The Gunderson family |
Dear Reader,

When I began writing this blog, I was a wife and mother who didn't even know what a blog was. I was completely new to the world of computers. I was lucky if I could even figure out how to turn my computer
on much less log into my e-mail. Let's just say that I have come a long way :)
What was true then is still true today... I have
no special medical, psychological, or ministerial training. I am just
an ordinary person who found herself in a "not so ordinary" situation. I decided to write this blog because I know there are other people out there who are in unusual
and tough situations too. I hope that it has been helpful to you. I hope that it has touched your heart, brought you hope, and stirred your soul in some way. I hope that it has helped reveal doors to the heart of God that you didn't even know existed or that you didn't even know that God wanted you to open and explore. Jesus is knocking. All you have to do is be willing to open the door. It will change your life just as it
has changed ours.

If you get nothing else out of this blog, I hope that you will get this...God loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine. He sacrificed His one and only son, Jesus, for you, so that
YOU could have the
MIRACLE OF SALVATION. Eternal life is a free gift. It will cost you nothing. All you have to do is declare that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. Then He will give you new life. He doesn't promise you a perfect life, a life without problems. In fact, Jesus tells us in the Bible that you will indeed have problems in this life, but He also promises that He will be there with you to walk you through those problems. You don't have to do life alone. God will always be there for you. He wants only the best for you, and He is always on your side. He will never forsake you or leave you. He can take your most difficult, most heart wrenching
test and turn it into an incredible, awe-inspiring

God has proven Himself. He is faithful. He took some of the most painful, most devastating moments in our lives and turned them into an incredible picture of His beautiful heart. He is showing us how He can weave
everything in our lives, both the good and the bad, into a stunning and splendid tapestry. His plans are good. His timing and methods are perfect. He changed our greatest tragedy into
His greatest triumph.
Do you hear that? Jesus is knocking at the door of
YOUR heart. I hope that you will open the door and invite Him in. I did, and
He has made all the difference. God wants to make a difference in
YOUR life too.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can pray something like this:
All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Blessings to you and yours from our family to yours,
The Gunderson family~
Mike, LeAnne, Michael,
Ryan, and Christopher
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