700 Club (Television Program with Pat Robertson) shares Christopher's Miracle Story

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Christopher's miracle testimony was featured on the the February 4, 2014 episode of THE 700 CLUB. Please watch our VIDEO and share it with your friends and family.

Friday, August 16, 2013

One MIRACLE leads to another

Numbers 6:24-26  May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.

Little Pooh and Christopher were snoozing in their hospital cribs.  Pooh was giving his little body a much needed rest from the ravages of kidney disease, and Christopher was recovering from surgery.  I could see his new tubes rising up and down on his abdomen as he drew in each breath.  The epidural was keeping him comfortable, so comfortable that he was pain free and could rest easily.

I hadn't seen Pooh's mom in a of couple days.  Maybe she had agreed to go to rehab after all, or maybe she had given up.  I couldn't be sure, but I prayed that the possibility of motherhood with Pooh had trumped her drug use.  Pooh needed her.  He needed a miracle. 

Thoughts about miracles began to circle around in my mind.  Why do some people get miracles and others don't?  Will Pooh get one?  Will his mom get one?  Christopher had got his miracle.  It wasn't the way I had expected it to be.  I had envisioned a big, in your face miracle.  A miracle where he was instantly healed and didn't need feeding tubes at all.  What I didn't know then was that God wasn't finished yet, and that sometimes one miracle leads to another.  God has perfect timing, and he was teaching me to trust Him. 

God was also showing me that I had a perspective problem.  My perspective was too small.  I couldn't see the whole picture.  It was like trying to predict the weather in France or China by looking out my own window.  It was impossible for me, but it's not impossible for God.  His perspective is whole, complete, and perfect.  He can see the entire picture, and His plans are splendid and designed for our benefit. 

Even though Christopher's miracle didn't look the way I thought it should look, it was just what he needed at that moment, and it would sustain him perfectly for the next 16 years.  What I didn't know then was that God wasn't finished with him yet.  God could see the big picture because He created it!  Christopher's tubes were just the beginning.  They would serve as a gateway to the incredible miracles that God had planned for him. 

It gets even better though.  The miracles He had planned were not just for Christopher, but for all of us.  God's healing power is on display in Christopher for the entire world to see.  It's not about just one man but all men.  God uses one man's life to effect so many others, and in the process creates a cloud of witnesses that lifts each other up in good times and bad.  He creates a cloud of witnesses to bring glory to Himself. 

Our entire family became part of this cloud of witnesses.  We have all been shaped and sharpened by our experience with chronic illness, and strengthened by God's generous gift of healing miracles.   We have met people, gone places, and experienced things that we never would have if it wasn't for the circumstances that we found ourselves in.  Other people have been effected by our experiences too.  Countless people have shared with me the goodness they have seen in the midst of tragedy, and they have become witnesses too.  They have become witnesses to the awesome power and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The lesson is that God can shine through any trial or tribulation.  Our God is bigger than any earthly circumstance, and His radiant splendor transcends our predicaments.  In turn, we are made stronger and our character is polished through our unfortunate circumstances in life.  It's not that we want bad things to happen, it's just that we know in life that they always do.  Our triumph is in being able to see God at work in all things, good and bad, while learning to mirror His character in our own.

I watched the two little angels resting their battle worn bodies.  Sleep is a miracle in itself, a time to renew and heal.  I sensed that God had big plans for these two little people.  I'm not sure how He worked them out in Pooh because the next day we would be moved to a different room, and I would never see him again.  As for Christopher, I have been blessed to be able to witness what God had in mind for him.  It has been a bumpy road to be sure, lots of hills and valleys, but 16 years later I would witness the instant healing miracle that God had planned for him all along.  Then I would have the privilege of sharing it with YOU, so that you can be a witness to God's power too!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Remember, God wasn't done yet!  Wait till you hear the details of his INSTANT HEALING MIRACLE!!!

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can pray like this:

More tomorrow...

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