700 Club (Television Program with Pat Robertson) shares Christopher's Miracle Story

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Christopher's miracle testimony was featured on the the February 4, 2014 episode of THE 700 CLUB. Please watch our VIDEO and share it with your friends and family.

Friday, August 16, 2013

All the best stuff

The miracle was a huge gift from God!  Turns out, it's a gift that keeps on giving!

Christopher and I were recently talking about the miracle that God had done for him.  We were marveling about how Christopher's whole world has changed since that crisp, cool day in November when God blessed Christopher with a huge gift.  The miracle itself has been life changing, but what has followed is like a gift that just keeps on giving.  As we ate breakfast together (I still can't believe that we actually get to eat together!), we began to talk about all the really great stuff that has happened as a result of the healing work that God has done in Christopher.

Christopher is getting creative with his menu too.
Obviously, the best part is that he gets to eat.  I know it is hard to wrap your brain around the idea of not being able to eat.  Eating seems so natural, so normal.  Most of us just take eating for granted.  We usually concern ourselves with what we are going to eat, not if we can or can't eat.  Just imagine NEVER being able to eat. Food is completely off limits, and then suddenly a whole new food universe opens up, and the sky is the limit.  You can eat whatever you want.  Everything is new.  One minute you are hooked up to a feeding tube, and the next minute you are deciding whether you would rather have Chinese or Mexican.  In no time at all, you develop a menu of foods that you like, as well as, a list of foods you'd rather never try again. You have to learn all about healthy eating and weight management.  It's all new.  It's all new for Christopher too, and he is embracing every bite of it!

We both agreed that not having to manage all the tubes, bags, and equipment is another big gift.  No more lugging around cans of formula.  No more stained sheets, and no more waking up in a puddle of formula.  Feeding used to be a long, laborious chore.  It took hours and hours hooked up to the feeding tube in order to get in his daily calories, but now getting those same calories is a yummy, satisfying experience.  Bags, tubes, and formula have been replaced with plates, silverware, and real food. 

Christopher also shared with me that he loves not having to pack all the feeding tube equipment when he stays the night somewhere.  He recently went to a youth group function for the weekend, and he was so happy that all he had to pack was his clothes and toiletries.  No more boxes of equipment and cans of formula.  He was able to get everything he needed for the weekend into one bag.  He said it was so much easier not having to figure out the logistics for his feeding tube overnight too.  He ate with everyone else, and he was able to sleep "tube free".  No worries about embarrassing spills.  No worries about equipment malfunction.  Christopher spent the weekend just eating, singing, hanging out, and praying with his friends.  He had a great time, and there wasn't a feeding tube in sight.

Another unexpected benefit has been the incredible reaction of his friends coming around him to celebrate God's miracle with him.  His friends are very excited about his healing.  They have lifted him up in such encouraging and supportive ways.  When Christopher spoke at the youth chapel at our church, there were friends that came to hear him speak that didn't even go to our church.  Lots of kids wanted to hear his testimony, and Christopher was amazed when they formed a receiving line and took turns greeting him, hugging him, and congratulating him.  He said it was an incredible moment, and one that he will never forget.

His friends have another unforgettable moment planned for him.  On April 28th they are throwing a huge party for him to celebrate Christopher getting his feeding tubes removed (they come out on April 26th).  They are planning to have LOTS of food, all Christopher's favorites.  There will be music and celebration around the bonfire too.  Christopher has been blessed with some very special friends.  His "cloud of witnesses" is absolutely the best!

I asked Christopher what other great stuff has happened since that miraculous fall day.  He said that one of the best gifts is getting to tell other people about it, and I wholeheartedly agreed with him.  It is a really inspiring feeling when you tell someone about God's healing gift, and then you get to see God working in them as they consider the magnitude of God's power.  It is a massive rush of energy as you feel your soul growing in faith.  The miracle was God's gift to us, and our gift back to Him is getting to tell as many people as possible about what God has done for Christopher.

Above all, we both agreed that the best part has been how much this miracle has brought our family together and increased our faith.  As for me, it has grown my "prayer life" and changed my "thought life".  I used to spend a lot of time thinking about mundane things like... what am I going to make for dinner, what errands do I need to run today, or what household chores need to be done?  Now I spend A LOT of time thinking about what I am going to write in my blog, and I find myself praying about the people God puts in my path that need to hear the good news about His healing power.  God gave Christopher a huge gift, but He blessed all of us in the process.

As we finished our eggs and toast, we both agreed that it was so "cool" that we get to eat together now.  Christopher loves my scrambled eggs with cheese.  I make them for him almost every morning.  I think it will be exciting to see God's plans unfold.  I'm not sure where all this is going to take us, but I do know that many lives have already been changed by the miracle that God chose to do in this one young man.  I suspect that He isn't finished yet!

I feel SO BLESSED to GET to make Christopher REAL food everyday!

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can pray like this:

More tomorrow...

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